Tuesday 12 January 2016

The Feminine Voice

My new blog "The feminine voice" which also is a part of my research for my dissertation madness.

-Opposite Freudian's patriarchal ideas, yet his analysis of the psycho analysis used for female anatomy has been brought to attention.
Human beings look for another similar human, using phrases "to be saved", or "to be complete", usually women being the hunters nowadays. Yet that is impossible, the concept of being saved in this universe. There is no such thing as being saved. The person whom usually wants to save you, is the one you need to be saved from! (Life has tricks, similar to a puzzle, in which we have to figure out) I personally enjoy my life, which there is no need to be saved by any phallus, or saved at all. That is just a sexual tool, nothing to save a woman, it is not there to dominate a woman. Not there to manipulate your ideas as an individual. But something to help create, which creating is not for everyone, since creating another being is not something light. It is humorous how some boys, since "men" is an earned statement, think because they have a penis, they can rule anything or the world with that external organ lololol
Let me rephrase, a penis is nothing more than just a sexual tool to bring pleasure. Which women have better tools, but you never see a woman, commenting on how she can rule the world with her breasts. (Although I'm going to say it, once in a while, for a laugh) That's all it is, not to use it as a form of owning another human being. Hence partnership is not ownership, therefore partnership is about self discovery and individualism.
Individualism, is a constant movement for personal growth, yet we find our own company boring. Movement as a singular motion is fearful, or is it exciting? Being able to choose and discover various mysteries.